3Dfx related videos

Your watching me pop a bunch of fans & heatsinks of an unrepairable V5-6000 for use on another board. I froze the board in the freezer for 15 minutes and then used a screwdriver to lever the heatsinks off. There was a credit card between the screwdriver and PCB to prevent damage to the board. As you can see using this method they fly right off!

Quake III motion blur demo running on Obsidian 2 200SBi with normal TV out.

Quake III motion blur demo running on Quantum3D Mercury system- Besides the poor compression Youtube utilizes the video might be poorer then the 200SBi as the signal actually had to run through a capture device before being forwarded to a third PC with a video capture board! It's the only way I could capture the output as Mercury setups do not have functional TV output.

Quake III motion blur demo running on 3dfx V5-6000 system- Besides the poor compression Youtube utilizes the video might be poorer then the 200SBi as the signal actually had to run through a capture device before being forwarded to a third PC with a video capture board! It's the only way I could capture the output as the V5-6000 has no TV output.

Install video from Voodoo 3 driver disk.

STB Blackmagic3D Voodoo II ad.

Actual 3dfx commercial used during Superbowl (Medicine)

Actual 3dfx commercial used during Superbowl (Save the Planet)

Actual 3dfx commercial used during Superbowl (Feed the Planet)

3dfx promo video from HCC dagen '99 event (Europe) contains 2 TV spots.

3dfx tribute movie made by "OutOfRange"

Tribute movie sent to me by ex-3dfx employee a few years ago, done by Chris_B

Click the V5-6000 to enter site through main page.